Ok...so...I know, I know...it's been a really long time since I've blogged. Our family has been through the flu and bronchitis and Josh has been traveling a lot lately. So, what have I been doing....KNITTING! I think its become my coping mechanism when life gets really chaotic. It makes me focus, and it makes me sit, which are two things that I don't do very well. So, don't get frustrated with me because I know this blog is about my photography....but at least I have pictures of my knitting...ahem. In the past few weeks I have knit a shalom sweater, two cowls, and a scarf. I'm currently working on a top for Darby, another cowl, a lace scarf, and a twisty scarf. I keep adding new projects because I'm just crazy like that. I have learned a ton of new stitches by just trying new projects and then YouTubing videos of how to do the stitches. I'm thinking about starting an Etsy shop once I get enough projects under my belt and feel confident enough. We'll see how that thought goes, though. At least I'm having fun with it...at least that's what I keep telling myself...and my husband:)