Saturday, February 12, 2011

2nd Knitting Class

Learning how to purl and place markers...aka, the little rings on the needle.

This is how far I got during the two hour class.

These are the stockinette stitch and the basketweave stitch.

This is what I've accomplished two days after the class.
In my second knitting class we learned how to purl and how to read and follow a pattern.  I am loving this class...have I mentioned this fact.  I think its because I'm being able to focus on something without the chaos of life intruding in, and I get the satisfaction of seeing progress made....I mean, just look at my pictures.  This probably says something about my personality and achievement issues and my struggles with legalism.  I think this class has more of a psychological impact on us than we're realizing:)  However, I still love it even with all the "issues" its forcing me to deal with in my life.  Are any of you knitters out there, and what things have you learned about yourself from the "knitting process"? 

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